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FEA type electromagnetic brakes are equipped with pairs of steel blades and sintered bronze blades.
The braking torque is generated in the absence of the supply voltage, as a result of the force created by the pressure springs that press on the package of blades.
Compensates for the wear of the slats is done on the accessible side of the brake, in the mounted state.
It is also executed in climate and naval protection, with the normal degree of protection IP40, IP54 and IP55.
It is recommended for use in the construction of electric motors with brakes, which equip the facilities for lifting, transporting,
machine tools, mounted on the end of the motor shaft / shaft and has the role of stopping the motor.
Technical specifications
Rated torque: 6.3 Mn (Nm)
Rated voltage: 24V
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 0,63
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 1
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 1,6
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 2,5
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 4
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 5
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 10
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 20
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 30
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 40
Electromagnetic brake type FEA 80